Meaning of Coming Soon by Queen

Publish date: 2024-05-17

In the world of music, one band that needs no introduction is Queen. With their timeless classics and iconic frontman, Freddie Mercury, their songs continue to capture the hearts and minds of fans around the world. One such captivating song by Queen is "Coming Soon," a track that may not receive as much recognition as their big hits but carries its own unique charm. Examining the lyrics, it becomes evident that the song touches on themes of anticipation, restlessness, and societal expectations.The first verse sets the stage for the song's overall theme. "I get some headaches when I hit the heights" portrays a sense of discomfort and unease that often accompanies success or reaching new heights in life. This can be interpreted as a reflection of the pressures that come with success, which may lead to anxiety and restlessness. The mention of crazy nights and a mother-in-law in nylon tights adds an intriguing twist, highlighting the absurdities and unexpected challenges that can arise even in seemingly mundane situations.Moving on to the chorus, the repetition of the phrase "they're always, they're always, coming soon" emphasizes a state of constant anticipation. This line is open to interpretation and can be seen as a metaphor for the expectations and pressures we face in life. The notion of being "on the outside, of the tracks" further emphasizes this feeling of being on the edge, yearning for something beyond the ordinary.In the second verse, Queen introduces the idea of conformity and societal norms. "You take them, the same old babies with the same old toys" suggests a lack of originality and a conformity to societal expectations. The neighbors' reaction to the noise adds an interesting layer, pointing out the disapproval faced when one chooses to break away from the norm and prioritize personal enjoyment over fitting in. The mention of somebody nagging when out with the boys further reinforces the pressure to conform and abandon personal interests for the sake of societal expectations.As the bridge arrives, the repetition of the word "they're" creates a sense of urgency and heightens the anticipation. This section can be interpreted as a reflection of the heightened emotion and eagerness experienced when waiting for something significant or important to occur. It serves as a buildup to the final chorus, where the repetition of "they're always, they're always, coming soon" attests to the perpetual state of anticipation the song revolves around.The song concludes with the repetition of the chorus, leaving listeners with the lingering notion of something yet to come. Overall, the song "Coming Soon" highlights the themes of anticipation, restlessness, and societal expectations. Queen's clever and imaginative lyrics touch on the complexities of human experience while offering a unique perspective on the challenges and anxieties we encounter in life.In a world that is constantly pushing us to achieve more and meet societal norms, "Coming Soon" serves as a reminder to embrace our own desires and aspirations. It encourages us to find a balance between living up to expectations and pursuing our own happiness. Most importantly, the song urges us to pause, reflect, and appreciate the journey of anticipation itself, rather than solely focusing on the end result.While "Coming Soon" may not be as widely known or celebrated as some of Queen's other tracks, it deserves attention for its thought-provoking themes and clever incorporation of unexpected imagery. It serves as a testament to the band's ability to delve deep into the human experience and create songs that resonate with listeners on multiple levels. So, next time you find yourself impatiently waiting for something to happen, take a moment to listen to Queen's "Coming Soon" and embrace the beauty of anticipation.
