Polar Opposites | Drake Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Polar Opposites
Drake Lyrics

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Tweakin' on vacation with me
You set limitations with me
Why do I get treated different?
I don't know how you run the bases with me
Then say nothing sacred with me

Why do I get treated different?
Sun is setting on the Atlantic, I bet a full moon is gonna show
Wondering what rocks your boat
What keeps your heavy heart afloat
I don't know, I don't know

Bipolar baby, seems like it just went undiagnosed
Blocked me on everything, that's so immature, so unprovoked, I
Don't even know why

Had plans to understand ya
Mariana, you broke my faith
Why you gotta listen to the propaganda?
We just broke the ice, and now you're both leaving
I was being kind, I don't understand ya
You should let your sister be the voice of reason
Either it's your text that I'm misreading
Or it's just your actions are misleading
Don't know how they do things in Pristina
I just know the tension is increasing
It's plenty people dead to me still breathing
Plenty other ways to get over people
You ain't had to step on me to gain freedom
No, no, you remind me of someone I think you know
You know and I know things that she didn't know
I'm not the same person I was five drinks ago
You tried to grease me, but we're not in Mykonos
I don't get hurt much, but I'm not invincible
Bidin' my time with you, then things got political
Oh, I read your last text, you're gettin' bold
Tellin' me what rocks your boat, what keeps your heavy heart afloat
I don't know

Bipolar baby, seems like it just went undiagnosed
Blocked me on everything, that's so immature, so unprovoked, I
Don't even know why
Don't know why

I adore
I adore you
Baby, I adore you
If I mentioned the pride before the fall
'Cause I wanna risk it all for you
What they say 'bout the writings on the wall?
No clue
Baby, I adore you
Baby, I adore

I adore you
Baby, I adore

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Drake's song "Polar Opposites" delve into the complexities of a relationship that experiences drastic shifts in behavior and emotions. Drake expresses his confusion and frustration about being treated differently by his partner, unsure of why they set limitations and fail to treat their connection as something sacred. He questions the motives behind their actions and wonders what truly brings them happiness and keeps their "heavy heart afloat."

The music video for "Polar Opposites" further emphasizes this sense of confusion and contrast. It features scenes of both sunny, idyllic beach settings and dark, stormy landscapes, symbolizing the bipolar nature of the relationship. The lyrics reflect Drake's feelings of being left in the dark and trying to understand his partner's motives, while also questioning his own role in the situation.

The term "bipolar baby" in the song suggests that the partner's behavior could be characterized as exhibiting signs of bipolar disorder, with Drake alluding to it going undiagnosed. This adds another layer of complexity and highlights the challenges he faces in trying to comprehend their emotional fluctuations. The lyrics also touch upon the immaturity and unexpected nature of the partner's actions, such as blocking Drake on everything without apparent reason.

Overall, "Polar Opposites" explores the vulnerability and confusion that can arise when two people have contrasting personalities and emotions, leaving one feeling uncertain about the future of their relationship.

Line by Line Meaning

Tweakin' on vacation with me
Being obsessive or overthinking while spending time together on vacation

You set limitations with me
You impose restrictions and boundaries in our relationship

Why do I get treated different?
Why am I treated in a distinct or unequal way?

I don't know how you run the bases with me
I don't understand how you navigate our relationship

Then say nothing sacred with me
You don't consider anything between us as private or meaningful

Sun is setting on the Atlantic, I bet a full moon is gonna show
The day is ending, and it feels like something significant is about to happen

Wondering what rocks your boat
Curious about what truly makes you happy or satisfied

What keeps your heavy heart afloat
What brings you comfort or keeps you going despite feeling burdened

I don't know, I don't know
I genuinely don't have the answers or understanding

Bipolar baby, seems like it just went undiagnosed
You exhibit mood swings or inconsistent behavior, resembling bipolar disorder without an official diagnosis

Blocked me on everything, that's so immature, so unprovoked, I
You blocked me on all communication platforms without reason or justification, displaying immaturity

Don't even know why
I have no understanding or explanation for this action

Had plans to understand ya
I intended to fully comprehend you and your perspective

Mariana, you broke my faith
You, Mariana, shattered my trust or belief in you

Why you gotta listen to the propaganda?
Why do you choose to believe and follow misleading information or rumors?

We just broke the ice, and now you're both leaving
We've only just started to get comfortable with each other, and now you're distancing yourself

I was being kind, I don't understand ya
I was trying to show you kindness, but I can't comprehend your actions

You should let your sister be the voice of reason
You should seek guidance or advice from your sister, who can offer rational thoughts

Either it's your text that I'm misreading
It's possible that I'm misunderstanding the meaning behind your messages

Or it's just your actions are misleading
Alternatively, your behavior may be intentionally deceptive or confusing

Don't know how they do things in Pristina
I'm unfamiliar with the customs or norms in Pristina (capital of Kosovo)

I just know the tension is increasing
All I can perceive is that the tension between us is intensifying

It's plenty people dead to me still breathing
There are many individuals who have lost significance in my life but are still present

Plenty other ways to get over people
There are numerous alternatives to moving on from someone

You ain't had to step on me to gain freedom
You didn't need to harm or mistreat me in order to find your liberation

No, no, you remind me of someone I think you know
No, no, you resemble a person whom I believe you're familiar with

You know and I know things that she didn't know
Both you and I are aware of information that she was unaware of

I'm not the same person I was five drinks ago
I've undergone some changes in character or behavior since consuming five drinks

You tried to grease me, but we're not in Mykonos
You attempted to manipulate or deceive me, but we're not in Mykonos

I don't get hurt much, but I'm not invincible
I don't often experience emotional pain, but I'm not immune to it

Bidin' my time with you, then things got political
I was patiently waiting for our relationship to progress, but it suddenly became complicated and involved external factors

Oh, I read your last text, you're gettin' bold
Oh, I read your recent message, and you're becoming more daring or assertive

Tellin' me what rocks your boat, what keeps your heavy heart afloat
Informing me about the things that make you happy and sustain your emotional well-being

I don't know
Once again, I don't have the answers or understanding

I adore
I deeply love or admire

I adore you
I love or admire you intensely

If I mentioned the pride before the fall
If I acknowledge that arrogance leads to downfall

'Cause I wanna risk it all for you
Because I'm willing to take a huge gamble or make a sacrifice for you

What they say 'bout the writings on the wall?
What do people say about the signs or indications of a situation?

No clue
I have no idea or understanding

Baby, I adore you
Darling, I love or admire you deeply

Baby, I adore
Darling, I love or admire greatly

I adore you
I deeply love or admire you

Written by: Anthoine Walters, Aubrey Drake Graham, Bennet Pepple, Gentuar Memishi, Miles Parks McCollum, Noah James Shebib, Omar A. Gomez

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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