Who is Justin Hartley's wife, Sofia Pernas? All about their relationship as he shares a heartfelt bi

Publish date: 2024-05-17

44-year-old Justin Hartley recently paid tribute to his wife Sofia Pernas on Instagram for her 32nd birthday. The Smallville actor shared a touching note along with a lineup of pictures where the couple can be seen enjoying oysters together. Hartley said,

“Happy Birthday to my beautiful Sofia! This amazing woman makes me laugh out loud every single day. Here’s to taking down oysters all over the world! I love you very much!”

People magazine revealed on May 17 that Hartley and Sofia Parnas got married recently. A day before that, the couple made their red carpet debut at the 2021 MTV Movie & TV Awards in Los Angeles. They were both spotted with rings on their fingers.

A source close to the couple confirmed that they have been dating since the summer of 2020. The couple announced their relationship on New Year’s Eve.

Who is Sofia Pernas?

Actors Sofia Parnas and Justin Hartley worked together on the CBS show "The Young and the Restless" from 2015 to 2016. At the time, Hartley was married to Chrishell Stause, who made her debut when Pernas left the show.

However, in 2019, Hartley and Stause decided to end their relationship following irreconcilable differences. While the official date of separation was July 8, Stause reportedly submitted her filing with a separation date of November 22.

In May 2020, Hartley was spotted kissing Sofia Pernas. Thereafter, they were often spotted together by paparazzi. A source close to the couple later confirmed their relationship status.

Stause acknowledged her ex-husband’s relationship with Pernas, saying it was painful to see him move on. Sofia Parnas frequently comments on Instagram pictures of Hartley's daughter Isabella.

The couple made their relationship official in December 2020 and married a year later. E! confirmed the news on May 17 following their first public appearance as a couple at the MTV Movie & TV Awards.

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