Craig Stewart Obituary: Austin, TX music icon, Craig Stewart passes away

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Craig Stewart Obituary – Cause of Death: Austin, TX music icon, Craig Stewart passes away.

An online obituary on Wednesday morning, December 20, 2023, announced the passing away of Craig Stewart of Austin, TX. His cause of death was not immediately mentioned.

The announcement of Craig’s death was flooded by heartfelt tributes and condolences across social media. He will be sorely missed.

Social Media Tributes

“RIP Craig Stewart. My sincere thoughts go out to King Coffey and Craig’s family and friends,” a tribute post shared on Facebook said. “Craig was the kindest man in Austin TX. He welcomed me in when I moved there in 98 from Canada. Before I knew it he’d gotten me 3 gigs and brought records to my doorstep when we realized our shared love of underground music. It was an exciting time and he just seem stoked on it all. It’s really heartwarming to see how many people Craig’s life touched. Thank you Craig.”

“Craig Stewart was one of a kind. He knew everything about all the bands and had the juice to make the shows and records happen. Many many fantastic shows and recordings. My favorite Roky Erickson recording of all, “Never Say Goodbye,” another post said.

Words fall short of expressing our grief for your loss, as we mourn with family and friends for this great loss. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you. Please receive our heartfelt condolences.

Feel free to drop condolences messages and prayers for the family and friends of the deceased as it will go a very long way at this difficult time.
