Robert H. Schuller Net Worth

Publish date: 2024-05-18
#Fact1Growing up in a strict Dutch Calvinist environment, he was not allowed to play with the deck of cards, in the house, when in actuality, he never owned a deck of cards, nor did he listened to the radio.2He grew up with the sense of men, being unworthy of God, a sense of sin, which required a need for Salvation.3His best friend, Billy Graham, paid a visit in Garden Grove, California, in 1964, after hearing about the phenomenal growth and innovative approach of the Garden Grove Community Church. Following the church service that was rife with Hollywood quality inspiration, the visionary mind of Graham ignited the visionary mind of Schuller. Graham challenged Schuller to become the first televised church service in the world.4He began to invite his celebrity 'parishioners' to be on The Hour of Power (1970), testifying to 'believing in a God that believes in you!' The guest interview segment of the Hour of Power was born and catapulted the televised ministry into exponential success.5His hobbies are: golfing, fishing, singing, praying, traveling, spending time with his family, reading, philanthropy and politics.6Dr. Robert H. Schuller passed away on April 2, 2015. Just 4 months before his death, his niece, Dortena Keninger, died on December 11, 2014, at the age of 69.7Uncle of: Arie, Shirley, Sylvia, Ruth, John, Sharon, Donald, Dortena, Charles, Robert and Gary.8Great granduncle of: Carter, Nicholas, Jennifer, Samantha, Kimberlin and Michael.9Granduncle of: Chad, Curt, Jason, Jackie, Danny, Derek, Sean, Michaela, Michael, Scott, Julie, Amy, Jill, Nicholas, Joyce, Karen, Leon and Donna.10Schuller was very different from the stereotypical farm-boy, and from most of his schoolmates; unlike them, Robert never excelled at sports. Despite everything, he was a popular student.11Participating in the debating/drama class of Newkirk High School, he'd created just about any scene, esp. when he played the role of a woman.12Had worked 12,000 hours per day, whilst hosting The Hour of Power (1970).13Founded his own Institute for Successful Church Leadership, in 1970, which graduated more than 20,000 students from various Protestant and Catholic denominations.14His church elders were not pleased when all of his & Arvella's flyers that have been posted everywhere, for his Grand Opening Celebration of the Service at the drive-in theater.15When Schuller moved to Garden Grove, California, he was told that it was impossible for his family to perform church services, especially if he had found anybody else who was pleased enough to attend. He searched for church services everywhere from mortuaries to Masonic Lodges, and after about 9 phone calls, he rented the church theater.16Like fellow evangelist, Billy Graham, Schuller was another one of the few televangelists whose ministry to not get involved with a sex scandal.17The New Yorker magazine said that his ministry was the "phenomenon" behind the mega-church movement. [2008].18Did not attend the funeral of his wife, Arvella, due to his illness, which required him to stay in hospice care.19On many of his The Hour of Power (1970) telecasts, his messages avoided hot-button political issues, but he routinely invited celebrities to make appearances on the program and offer words of wisdom.20At one point, he designated his son Robert A. Schuller to succeed him, as senior pastor, however, he wanted to continue ministering for another decade, which fortunately he did. Schuller retired in 2010.21Founder of Churches Uniting in Global Missions, in 1992, which seeks 'a spirit of unity that is truly Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Charismatic.'.22His favorite The Hour of Power (1970) verse was: Psalm 116:24.23His favorite ministry verse was: Phillippians 1:6.24Schuller sat in the front row of distinguished guests invited to honor Billy Graham's 65th birthday. [7 November 1983].25A United Airlines steward press charges against Schuller for spitting his food, towards the attendant, at the same time he was also shaking his shoulders during the arguments over the context of a fruit plate. He made a tiny apology and paid $1,100 to the Federal Aviation Administration. He was also sued for $5 million dollars. [1997].26Singer Andy Williams is the only guest on The Hour of Power (1970) to play at every one of Dr. Schuller's Christmas Eve services.27He appeared with popular evangelical and charismatic leaders Bill Bright, D. James Kennedy, James Robison, Jim Bakker, Rex Humbard, Pat Robertson, Pat Boone, Nicky Cruz, David du Plessis, Demos Shakarian, and Thomas Zimmerman (Assemblies of God) at the Washington for Jesus Rally in Washington, D.C. Joining them was independent Baptist pastor Jerry Falwell. [29 April 1980].28He joined hands with a wide range of popular evangelical leaders at Campus Crusade for Christ head Bill Bright's Fast for Revival conference. Among those attending were Charles Colson, E.V. Hill, Jack Hayford, James Dobson, W.A. Criswell, Charles Stanley, Paul Crouch, Luis Palau, Bill Gothard, Pat Robertson, Jay Arthur, and Larry Burkett. [1994].29Before his 70th Birthday, he was joined by Beverly LaHaye and Ralph Reed, for a Christian Coalition Conference in Washington D.C., sponsored by cult-leader Rev. Sun Myung Moon. [1996].30Celebrated his 70th Birthday at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna Beach, California, with Andy Williams, singing "Autumn Leaves," which was Schuller's favorite song. His daughter, Carol Schuller Milner, who attended the birthday party wrote "The Dreamer," for him. [16 September 1996].31Best remembered by the public as the host of The Hour of Power (1970).32Had played the guitar at an early age.33His favorite song was: "The Impossible Dream," sung by his friend, Andy Williams.34Before he married Arvella, he had to return to the seminary, that fall in 1948, who also had to escort her in a relentless letter-writing campaign; who (in turn) had to skip classes, prior to seeing her. This was when he risked suspension from the seminary; who used up all of his savings from his days as a janitor at Hope College.35Robert began his preaching career at an early age. His first congregation was comprised by his family's cows, to whom he delivered sermons at the Floyd River while milking them. He did this on a daily basis, regardless of the weather.36Graduated from Hope College in 1948, with a major of Psychology.37Before he was a successful televangelist, he used to work as a janitor at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.38When the drive-in theater had only 1,700 parking spaces, Schuller called it "A Shopping Center for God.".39When he proposed to Arvella, for the first time, she said, "Maybe," because she didn't know how to be the preacher's wife; at the time; so they didn't get married, until after he graduated from college.40Both of his and Arvella's children, Sheila Schuller Coleman and Robert A. Schuller, were born in Chicago, Illinois.41During a visit to Amsterdam, he suffered a head injury, prior to getting into the car --- he nearly died, Schuller had to spend nearly the entire year in rehabilitation, hence, his son, Robert A. Schuller, took over for him. [1 September 1991].42Has resided in Orange County, California, for 50 years, from 1955 to 2015.43Prior to Robert's birth, the Schullers had no electricity and no water - only farm animals.44Despite his friendly and outgoing personality, Robert's family had absolutely no social life; their only real respite chore was attending church.45He had nose surgery to allieviate the swelling he blamed on his poor diet, as a teenager.46His son, Robert A. Schuller, was born just months before he preached at a Drive-In Theater.47His third sister, Violet Schuller Muow, died on October 21, 2010. She lived to be 91.48In March 2010, after 55 years of ministry, Schuller cut ties to the ministry he had founded, citing 'negative and adversarial atmosphere' that had enveloped the church's leadership.49He completed his campus with the $40-million International Center for Possibility Thinking, designed by Getty Center architect Richard Meier. The American Institute of Architects gave Schuller its first Lifetime Achievement Award for the campus that he created. [2001].50He had 4 older siblings: Jessamine, Henry, Margaret and Violet.51His second sister, Margaret Schuller Reekers, died on September 9, 2007. She lived to be 90.52Was the best friend of Wichert Eikenburger for many years. Twice, they traveled the world together ministering to people. Together, they started The Institute for Successful Church Leadership, which in it's 45-year history trained over 150,000 pastors.53Grandfather of third-generation minister Robert V. "Bobby" Schuller (born Robert Harold Anthony Vernon Schuller III).54The recession led to a decrease in church donations and ticket sales to its holiday pageants, according to his church officials, also, Schuller's church's money troubles forced it to lay off at least 140 people last year, halve the air time of The Hour of Power (1970) TV program and even dismiss its orchestra and professional choir singers. [2008].55His third daughter, Carol Schuller Milner, who lost part of her leg because of a motorcycle accident, went on to become a champion skier [1978].56Received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Institute of Architects. [2001].57His church, the Crystal Cathedral was seeking bankruptcy protection. [18 October 2010].58Became an ordained minister at age 24.59His church, Crystal Cathedral, was sold to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, and Schuller lost a legal battle the following year to collect more than $5 million from his former ministry for claims of copyright infringement and breach of contract. [2011].60Had suffered a mild heart attack, but quickly recovered. [1997].61The first meeting of the Garden Grove Community Church was held on March 27, 1955. About 75 motorists and their families showed up to listen to Dr. Schuller preach from the roof of the drive-in's refreshment stand. The offering that day was $86.79.62After the death of his wife, he stopped chemotherapy for his cancer that was spreading in his esophagus.63Just before his death, he was reported to have lost most of his short- and long-term memory and had moved to a senior care facility.64Schuller was the one of the few televangelists whose message lacked fire-and-brimstone condemnations or conservative political baggage.65Dr. Robert H. Schuller passed away on April 2, 2015, at age 88, only one day after Cynthia Lennon, and within four months of seven television legends, also born in 1926, either aged 88 or 89: Roger Mayer, James Best, Stan Freberg, Verne Gagne, Betsy Palmer, Bud Yorkin and Elisabeth Elliot Gren. He also passed away 1 week after his best friend's Pat Robertson's 85th birthday; who, in turn, was born in 1930.66Interred next to his wife, Arvella, at the Crystal Cathedral Memorial Gardens Cemetery, adjacent to the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.67Survived by 5 children, 19 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren and 1 brother.68He was known to be a very private man.69Grandfather of Angie Rae, Bobby, Christina, Anthony, Nicholas and Scotch.70His son, Robert A. Schuller, attended the 95th Birthday of his father's lifelong friend, Billy Graham, at Graham's Evangelist Association, in Charlotte, North Carolina. [7 November 2013].71Author of his autobiography, "My Journey: From an Iowa Farm to a Cathedral of Dreams".72Retired as the host of The Hour of Power (1970), in 2010, at age 83.73Schuller was hospitalized for an exploratory endoscopy, winding up needing a stent in his esophageal tract as possible. Still, it was inconclusive as to whether or not he will be released from the hospital, though his prognosis, at the time, was great. [30 January 2015].74Long lives ran in his family.75Founded The New Hope Therapy Center, in 1968. The world's first live, church-sponsored 24-hour counseling and suicide prevention hotline. Since its inception, it is estimated that over a million people have dialed this hotline and received immediate counseling.76Met his wife, Arvella De Haan Schuller, when he was invited as a guest preacher at her own church.77Before his church was known as the Crystal Cathedral, it was originally the 'Drive-In Theater.'.78When Schuller was attending college, he had no choice other than to take both chemistry and math classes, which were part of his requirements in obtaining a Bachelor's Degree.79His wife, Arvella DeHaan, was a breast cancer survivor.80He asked John Green for $1,000,000 dollars to build the Crystal Cathedral, in 1977.81According to his son Robert A. Schuller, in early August 2014, his father was residing in a care facility in Orange County, California.82In 1955, he returned to California, aged 28. Schuller's denomination asked him to start a church there. It is the oldest denomination in the United States of America, started in 1628, when the Dutch colonists bought Manhattan Island. All of it belonged to the state church in Holland which was, and still is, the Reformed Church.83Graduated from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, in 1949.84His first name, and the middle name "Harold", were picked out by his grandmother and (respectively) mother.85Became a minister with the encouragement of his uncle Henry.86Friends with: Billy Graham, George Beverly Shea, Oral Roberts, Jim Bakker, Tammy Faye Bakker, Rex Humbard, Jimmy Swaggart, Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Charles Stanley, Charles Swindoll, James Dobson, James Robison, Jack Van Impe, Joyce Meyer, Marilyn Hickey, Morris Cerullo, John Osteen, Roger Williams, Frank Sinatra, Jesse Duplantis, Amy Grant, Sandi Patty, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Gene Autry, Evil Knievel, Phil McGraw, Mickey Rooney, Ruta Lee, Andy Williams, Chuck Norris and Della Reese.87Of Dutch descent.88His closest friend encouraged him to contact former president Bill Clinton, who he later met on Christmas Eve 1993.89Was a staunch Republican, and a supporter of the Republican Party.90Attended Hope College in Holland, Michigan.91Was the first televangelist ever to have broke the record set by Mike Wallace; for hosting the same TV series, constantly; with 38 years and 10 months as host of The Hour of Power (1970). [July 2008].92Future Christian popular singers Michele Pillar and Michael O'Brien were childhood television heroes of Schuller.93Just a couple of years before his wife's, Arvella's death, he and Arvella both resigned from the Board of Directors of the Crystal Cathedral. According to his daughter, Carol Schuller Milner, she said her parents were stepping down because they and the board couldn't reach a deal for housing benefits and fees for using her father's writings and sermons as part of the bankruptcy proceedings [10 March 2012].94His wife, Arvella DeHaan Schuller, died on February 11, 2014, and lived to be age 84, exactly one year before himself.95His family purchased their very first television set when Schuller was only 22.96Before he was a successful televangelist, he used to work at Ivanhoe Reformed Church in Riverdale, Illinois.97Moved to Los Angeles, California, with his wife, when Schuller, was only 25, in 1952, though Schuller and his wife, moved to Chicago, Illinois, temporarily, before returning to California, in 1955.98His television show, 'The Hour of Power,' was based on 'The Hour of Decision,' a radio show that was hosted by fellow minister, Billy Graham.99His grandson, Robert V. 'Bobby' Schuller (full name: Robert Harold Anthony Vernon Schuller III), is a third-generation ordain minister. Bobby's father is Robert A. Schuller.100Had removed his son, Robert A. Schuller, as Senior Pastor of Crystal Cathedral, the same position that his father held, years earlier. The elder Schuller cited, 'a lack of shared vision,' who also stated that 'different ideas as to the direction and the vision for this ministry' with his son 'made it necessary ... to part ways in the Hour of Power television ministry'. [25 October 2008].101He was also a good friend of Frank Sinatra. Schuller's friend, from Palm Springs, had purchased his house.102Father of: Robert A. Schuller, Sheila, Jeanne, Carol and Gretchen.103It was his idea for his wife, Arvella DeHaan, to serve as executive producer and program director of 'The Hour of Power,' telecast.104Retired as Senior Pastor at Crystal Cathedral, in January, 2006, at age 79.105In 1970, with the encouragement of fellow pastor, Dr. Billy Graham, Dr. Schuller began broadcasting services from the Neutra sanctuary on the "Hour of Power." By 1975, the "Hour of Power" was airing in all 50 states, and the unprecedented growth of the local congregation dictated the decision to build the internationally acclaimed Crystal Cathedral. Designed by award-winning architect Philip Johnson, the first-ever all-glass church was dedicated on September 14, 1980.106Announced that he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. A follow-up examination in September 2013 presented Schuller with the possibility of undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment that could extend his life. [25 August 2013].107He was close friends with Roger Williams and Gene Autry.108Lifelong friend of Billy Graham for 69 years, from 1946 until his own death in 2015. Despite being eight years Schuller's senior, Schuller met him when Graham came as a preacher from Minnesota, to deliver an evangelistic message at the Hope College Chapel in Holland, Michigan.109His only son, Robert A. Schuller (full name: Robert Harold Anthony Vernon Schuller, Jr.), has followed in his footsteps as an ordain minister and a best-selling author. Robert Jr. has 15 published books to his credit.110Before he was a successful televangelist, he was a radio announcer for the National Religious Program.111Used to be a part of the Dutch Colony in Sioux City, Iowa.112His uncle (on his mother's side) attended Princeton University.113Past his 85th birthday, his latest preaching was "Who Gave You The Belief, You Could Be Somebody?" [18 September 2011].114Grew up in a farm in Alton, Iowa, just 42 miles north of Sioux City.115His uncle was the hero of the Schuller House.116Graduated from Newkirk High School in Newkirk, Iowa, in 1944.117His idol was Norman Vincent Peale.118Had testified in a U.S. District Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles to support claims that Crystal Cathedral Ministries owes him and various family members more than $5 million following the financial collapse of the televangelist empire that produces The Hour of Power (1970). Schuller, his wife, and a daughter and son-in-law say the ministry owes them for unpaid contracts, copyright infringement and intellectual property rights. [7 November 2012].119Fulfilled one of his lifelong dreams with the opening of the Fuqua International School of Christian Communications, funded by the generous donation of Mr. J.B. Fuqua, of Atlanta, Georgia in 1992. Schuller served for many years as Chancellor of the school, where ministers from all over the world hone their preaching skills.120Founder of Crystal Cathedral.121While on summer break from college, Robert saw his parents' home and farm utterly destroyed by a tornado. Eight other farms in the neighborhood were destroyed as well, but the Schullers were the only family to rebuild.122Son of farmer Anthony Schuller and his wife, Jenny Belkham Schuller, both from Iowa.123The youngest of 4 children.124Is the best-selling author of 37 books.125Was born during a horrific flood in Iowa. The doctors, making house calls, negotiated the storm and delivered Robert safely.
