Who is Paul Qualley? All About Andie MacDowells Former Model Husband

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Paul Qualley is a previous Norwegian-American model and television character who gathered a lot of popularity as the ex of Andie MacDowell, a famous American entertainer.

The couple was together from 1986 to 1999, and they had three youngsters. Paul’s super well known ex Andie MacDowell is a South Carolina-born entertainer and is best perceived for her jobs in Sex, Lies, and Tape, Powerful Fine, The Mystery of the Sahara, Easy route, Variety, The Finish of Viciousness, Trouble makers, Simply the Ticket, and so on.

Their association went on for barely 10 years, and they fabricated a family together, which incorporates entertainer Margaret Qualley, who has proceeded to secure herself in the entertainment world like her mom. It has been a very long time since their separation and the ascent of his little girl Margaret in the business has made many become inquisitive about his whereabouts and what he has been doing as of late.

Who Precisely Is Paul Qualley? Paul James Qualley was born in 1958 in the US to his folks Lee James Qualley and Patricia Ann Rondou.

However not much data is accessible on his initial life, it’s obviously true that he is of Norwegian family.

Profile Summary
First Name:Paul
Last Name:Qualley
Also Known As:Paul
Famous For:His relationship with Andie MacDowell
Colleges/Universities Attended:N/A
Educational Qualifications:N/A
Birthday & Zodiac
Age/Date of Birth:1959
Zodiac Sign:N/A
Birth Place:United States of America (USA)
Country of Residence:United States of America (USA)
Physical Attributes
Height:6 feet (1.83m)
Eye Colour:Blue
Hair Color:Light Brown
Other Body Measurements:N/A
Marital Status:Divorced
Spouse/Partner:Andie MacDowell (m. 1986–1999)
Family and Relatives
Father:Lee James Qualley
Mother:Patricia Ann Rondou
Children:3 children- Justin Qualley – Son,
Rainey Qualley
– Daughter
Sarah Margaret Qualley
Other Relatives:N/A
Net Worth
Estimated Net Worth:Andie MacDowell (m. 1986–1999)
Source of Wealth:Modelling career
Age/Date of Birth:1959
Height:6 feet (1.83m)
Wife or Girlfriend:Andie MacDowell (m. 1986–1999)
Parents:Father: Lee James Qualley
Mother: Patricia Ann Rondou
Net Worth:$100,000

Name: Sarah Margaret Qualley

Name: Rainey Qualley

Name: Justin Qualley 

As a youngster, youthful Paul Qualley had an energy for media outlets, his companions who frequently brought up to him that he had the face and body to pass for a model urged him to check displaying out and he did. He started by booking promotion gigs and developed his profession until when he started pushing for top brands.

His ensuing union with entertainer Andie MacDowell additionally impelled his vocation forward, yet for what reason did he not change to behaving like most models or last much longer in the field? This was on the grounds that Paul would come to foster different interests. He quit demonstrating to begin a farming business and furthermore fills in as a project worker.

He currently dwells in Panama, as per W Magazine. Displaying Brought Paul Qualley and Andie MacDowell Together Paul Qualley’s demonstrating profession probably won’t have brought him tremendous notoriety yet it brought his way across that of popular model and entertainer Andie MacDowell who might turn into his significant other.

The two met while they were both displaying for Hole Denim in 1986. After what appeared to have been a hurricane sentiment, the two got hitched later that very year and were shot together going to connected at the hip a few honorary pathway occasions in Hollywood. Their initial years living respectively in Montanna were no question cheerful ones.

Following 13 years of remaining wedded, Paul Qualley and Andie MacDowell separated in 1999. Their partition had come a couple of months after they left Montanna where MacDowell had started fabricating her acting vocation to reside in Carolina exceptionally near MacDowell’s sister.

The entertainer had uncovered that she was not prepared to carry on with her life in no place with individuals who were not her loved ones.

Apparently this adjustment of area would have some things to do with their ensuing separation. Their division was odd and came as a shock to numerous on the grounds that only months in advance, MacDowell was spouting about their satisfaction and lauding Paul for being a house spouse, she alluded to him as a ‘Mr. Mother.’

He cooked and really focused on their then small kids, while she was occupied with the requesting film timetables of Hollywood. After they headed out in different directions, MacDowell appeared to have eaten her own words when she said that Paul was not a greater amount of Mr. Mother than she was Mrs. Mother, as they had babysitters.

Paul Qualley’s Relationship and Love Life After The Separation Paul Qualley carried on with his life away from the spotlight after the separation, in this way making it challenging to tell the condition of his adoration life subsequent to parting from Andie. He is simply known to have turned into a project worker and a farmer.

Then again, his ex Andie proceeded to effectively pursue her Hollywood vocation, consequently making the subtleties of her affection life more open to the media.

Andie was first in an extended undertaking with entertainer Dennis Quaid before she would later meet her next spouse, money manager Rhett Hartzog through her sister Julia. R

hett Hartzog was her cohort in secondary school, as per Individuals Magazine, he had eyes for her during their time at Gaffney Secondary School in South Carolina.

She wedded him in November 2001 in a luxurious 450-visitor service in Asheville, North Carolina. A year after their marriage, Paul Qualley made what appeared to be a secretive remark talking about that he was happy for herself and that he trusted being hitched would set her in a situation to have the option to give greater security to the kids they had together.

Paul Qualley’s reaction didn’t agree with his ex Andie who answered, saying that she got hitched to her money manager spouse since she adored him and that her dependability the entire time was never being referred to. Tragically, MacDowell’s union with the Atalanta Gems financial specialist was brief as it finished in October 2004 subsequent to going on for scarcely three years.

The marriage delivered no youngsters, however this was not on the grounds that MacDowell didn’t need them, in that frame of mind at that point, she conceded that she was terrified of IVF yet was available to embracing.

The Previous Model Fathered Three Youngsters With His Ex, Andie – Meet Them Paul Qualley and Andie MacDowell’s 13-year association delivered three kids – a child named Justin and two girls named Rainey and Sarah. Notwithstanding being separated, guardianship of the youngsters had never been an issue for the previous couple as the two of them agreed to be by and large liable for their kids.

Nonetheless, it was with their mom that the children originally grew up first in Montana before she later moved to Asheville in North Carolina. Qualley could have for quite some time been away from the spotlight yet subtleties have surfaced by means of the lips of his little girl Margaret that the previous model has kept a decent connection with his children.

Justin Qualley is the most un-well known of Paul Qualley’s children, which is a direct result of his vocation which doesn’t include media outlets. He was born in 1986, that very year that his folks met, and in the end got hitched. He functions as a realtor in Montanna where his family claims a farm.

Almost certainly, he has worked close by his dad, Paul. Justin may not be well known in diversion but rather got his own portion of imaginative qualities from his folks; he features his adoration for photography on his Instagram feed. Like his dad, he carries on with his life away from the media light.

Be that as it may, he has went with his mom close by his kin to several honorary pathway occasions, including the Ladies Leaving a mark on the world Honors 2020 where the two his sisters alternated in front of an audience to respect their mom Andie for her remarkable vocation in Hollywood as well as her activism throughout the long term. The mother-little girl triplet was once highlighted on the front of “Town and Country” as the awesome three.

Rainey Qualley is Paul Qualley’s most memorable girl and second youngster with Andie MacDowell. She was born in 1990 in New York City yet was brought up in Asheville, North Carolina. Presented to the amusement world since the beginning Rainey developed to diagram a similar way as her whiz mother.

She got her expert beginning in media outlets in 2012, the year she showed up in the satire show, Strong Fine close by her mom Andie. That year, she was named Miss Brilliant Globe. Nonetheless, before then, at that point, she took part close by her sister Margaret in Paris’ Le Bal des Débutantes, which was deified on The Slopes.

She has showed up in different movies like Hawk Melody and Great and showed up as herself in 2018’s Sea’s 8. Rainey made her little screen debut in Lunatics prior to booking her most memorable significant part in a Program in Adoration in the Hour of Crown. She is at the same time seeking after an acting and music profession. She sings under the name Rainsford and delivered her presentation EP, Basic reassurance Creature in 2018.

Margaret is the person who followed the specific vocation way as their mom Andie. However she was scarcely 5 years of age when her folks separated, this didn’t appear to influence her relationship with one or the other parent as she has kept an extremely cozy relationship with every one. Margaret would later uncover that she had trusted her folks would reunite after their separation, however she became staggered after her mother decided to date Dennis Quaid at that point.

In the wake of showing up in Paris’ Le Bal des Débutantes, Margaret Qualley sought after her advantage in moving prior to settling on a demonstrating vocation. She worked with brands like Chanel and Ralph Lauren prior to adding acting to her collection. Her presentation film appearance came in 2013’s Palo Alto. Her acting profession has partaken in a fast ascent as her portfolio presently incorporates Sovereign Tarantino’s Quite a long time ago in Hollywood and her fundamental job in the Program, The Extras.

Margaret is by all accounts the nearest one to their dad Paul Qualley. She once discussed how he (Paul) had mystically anticipated that she planned to get a section in a Sovereign Tarantino film when she was even yet to address him about it. She had whined to him about getting dismissed for several jobs and he requested that she book a flight and come visit him in Panama then, at that point, she’d get a job in a Sovereign Tarantino film.

She went to visit him and on her third day in Panama, she got a call that she ought to come for a science read with Hollywood darling, Brad Pitt who likewise featured in the film. Eventually, she procured a section in the film which pushed her vocation to one more level as it acquired her a Screen Entertainers Society Grants selection for Exceptional Execution by a Cast in a Movie.

She told W Magazine that it caused her to feel like her dad had mysterious abilities. Margaret Qualley is so partial to her father that she at times posts photographs of him on her Instagram feed.

A portion of the posts (like the one underneath) give a clue into what Paul Qualley is like, a side of him that has never come to the media light.

Clearly, his girl Margaret thinks of him as perhaps of his biggest motivation. She concedes that her father fills in as a wellspring of solidarity yet additionally adds that he is a close to home man who cries more than any man she has at any point known, a piece of him she says she significantly cherishes.

It is Margaret’s gigantic profound respect for her dad and having the option to comprehend him for who he really is that made her shocked when her mom chose rather to date a specific Dennis Quaid as opposed to getting back with her dad Paul as she had trusted.

Indeed, taking into account the way that Margaret was just 5 years of age when her folks separated, there is just such a lot of that youthful Margaret might have had the option to process and figure out about the condition of her parent’s relationship. In any case, when she did develop and turned into the whiz that she is presently celebrated for, Margaret let the media know that her mom’s desire for men astounded her.

Nonetheless, her dad isn’t the only one she imparts a nearby cling to, she has portrayed her sister Rainey as “my golden calf, my dearest companion in the entire world.” The Qualley sisters once lived respectively in Los Angeles and shared a canine named Books.

How Much is Paul Qualley Worth? Paul Qualley didn’t turn into the best or well known model of his time. Be that as it may, he acquired his reasonable part of acknowledgment, and nowadays, he is centered around his business as a farmer and worker for hire. However the subtleties of his funds have never been disclosed, it is normal that he is carrying on with a better than expected way of life A few sources have set his total assets at an expected $100,000, nonetheless, there are chances that the model cum farmer could be worth more than that.
