Michael Voris Bio, Age, Wife, Vortex, Church Millitant, Youtube and Brother

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Michael Voris Biography

Michael Voris is an American Catholic pundit, author, and apologist. He is the president and founder of Saint Michael’s Media, a religious apostolate producing on-demand video programs on the website ChurchMilitant.com.

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Michael Voris Age

Voris was born on 20th August 1961, Big Spring, Texas, U.S and is 58 years old as of 2019.

Michael Voris Education

Voris attended the University of Notre Dame and graduated in 1983 with a degree in communications with a focus on history and politics. He also attended two years of seminary training at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York during the 1980s.

Michael Voris Brother

Voris cites the death of his brother from a heart attack in 2003, followed by his mother dying from stomach cancer in 2004 as the events that moved him to go from being “a lukewarm Catholic, someone who usually just went through the motions at church” to an “aggressive global advocate for conservative Catholics… on a burning mission to save Catholicism and America by trying to warn the public about what he sees as a decline of morality in society.”Voris is reported to work “up to 18 hours a day, seven days a week” on creating presentations for St. Michael’s Media.[

Michael Voris Wife

Voris, who has never been married, is celibate and has been called by independent Catholic news site Crux “one of the Catholic Church’s most vocal opponents of LGBT causes.

Michael Voris Vortex

On April 21, 2016, in an episode of The Vortex, Voris revealed that prior to his return to the Faith he engaged in multiple sexual relationships viewed as gravely sinful by the Catholic Church. During his twenties, he was “confused about [his] own sexuality” resulting in “frequent sexual liaisons with both adult men and adult women.”

He added that these were all “past sins” which had now been publicly admitted and that since his reversion, “I abhor all these sins.” Voris explained that when he was in Fatima five years before, he had “consecrated specifically my chastity to Our Blessed Mother” and had remained a celibate.

“That virtue which I had desecrated, I now asked to be consecrated, protected by her,” he said.

He further claimed that the Catholic Archdiocese of New York was collecting and preparing to publish details of his former life in order to discredit him and his work with Church Militant.[61] The New York Archdiocese denied these claims, calling them “100 percent untrue.”

In the video Voris admitted it may have been a mistake on his part not to have brought this information to the public earlier, but that he did not feel it necessary to provide all the details in order to proclaim the Gospel. “I did not do it to deceive, but because I did not understand the necessity. Now, I do,” he said.

At the end of the video, he says, “We will never cease to declare these truths, the glories of the Catholic faith, regardless of what happens. If this is all threatened because of revelations of my past sins, then please pray that the will of God be done. Thank you for your prayers, your support and your understanding, as well as the measure of forgiveness you are ready to extend.”

Voris has also rejected LGBT claims that homosexuals are “born that way,” stating instead that the Church teaches there is only one rightly ordered sexuality — heterosexuality — and that we are all born heterosexual, but circumstances happen to alter and distort that rightly ordered sexuality.

“No one wants to admit that their entire self-perception around which they have built and fashioned their lives, thoughts, opinions, worldview, etc. has been a big lie,” he said in “Not Born That Way”. He continued, “But that doesn’t alter the objective fact that it is a lie. Conceiving of oneself in terms of being a homosexual isn’t the only damage that can emerge from a pained childhood. Pain and its avoidance can manifest in all kinds of ways, not just this one.”

In a video exposé by The Atlantic, Voris stated his belief that what had led up to his sexual behavior could be traced to his mother having bipolar disorder. He stated that in his home life with a bipolar parent “Everything in the environment revolves around that mental illness. I wound up believing my parents didn’t love me.”After his mother had been diagnosed with stage four cancer, about three months before she died she told Voris, “‘I never believed that you were homosexual or gay. I believed that you were acting out in response to the fact of how I had created this situation at home that you didn’t know how to deal with it.’” Voris said that struck him like a hammer.

Voris further addressed this issue in a Download episode titled “Not Born That Way”, in which the panel discusses the case of former homosexuals who had allegedly recaptured a heterosexual orientation after counseling, self-examination, and healing from psychological wounds from childhood.

Michael Voris Church Militant

An Italian priest who sexually abused a 10-year-old girl has been arrested after his victim recorded his sexual advances on her mobile phone. Father Michele Mottola began grooming Marina (not her real name) soon after he took up his post as parish priest of Trentola Ducenta in Campania, near Naples, in 2017. The abuse, which lasted until February 2018, began when Marina was 10 years old. Mottola won the trust of the child and her family by visiting them regularly and plying the girl with gifts, including a watch, a jacket, and a computer.

Marinas’ mother soon noticed a change in her daughter’s behavior. “Sometimes she stared at the void as if she wanted to vent her anger but couldn’t,” she told Nina Palmieri, a reporter from Le Iene TV, who exposed the predator priest. Marina confided in two parishioners and told them she was being sexually abused. One of them recounted, “The child told me in confidence, ‘You know there is someone in the parish who does things to me, it is Don Michele, he kisses me.’”

The two parishioners refused to believe Marina and so she began writing notes asking for help.”But is what Don Michele and we do call sex?” Marina wrote. When this failed, she decided to record her meetings with the priest on her mobile phone.”I would keep you here from morning till night if your mother was more consenting,” says Fr. Mottola in a recording, adding, “Do you know that I love you; do you want a little kiss?”Marina tried to stop him, but he reassured her, “Look, there’s nobody there. You are scared? Embrace me, kiss me.”

A few days later the girl returned to the priest’s apartment, just above the parish church, and began recording the abuse. The audio has sighs and silences suddenly broken by the girl’s weeping and pleading: “Enough, enough!”At a certain point, the priest said to her, “Take this to dry yourself.”When Marina played the recordings to one of the parishioners, she asked the child to tell her mother immediately. Fearing her mother, Marina remained silent.On Feb. 2, Marina confronted Fr. Mottola during another meeting with him.

“Those things that we do, I would like not to continue,” she told him. The priest attempted to emotionally blackmail her, saying, “So you consider me a kind of mental patient if you treat me like this. I wouldn’t want you to see me as one who does violence to children.”A few weeks later Marina told the priest that she has reported the matter to other parishioners. He replied, “You didn’t have to do it, because now they will understand other things. Things will get very bad. I will come to your home to talk to your parents.”

Marina continued to record the priest’s meeting with her mother. Then the priest accused the girl of lying: “You can tell lies. Did you understand you can lie? You’re like Islamic suicide bombers, throwing a bomb, killing people and leaving. The mud ends up also on your family and on you.”The girl’s mother chose to believe the priest and threatened to take the girl to a mental institution.

Mottola again tried to force the girl into silence, saying, “Can you say that you have invented everything to the limit? Everything, that I took you to the bedroom … everything. So … we take this mess out of the way … we pretend that it never happened, we don’t talk about it anymore, okay?”The parishioners eventually intervened and Marina’s mother finally reported the matter to the bishop.

On May 25, 2018, Bp. Angelo Spinello of the diocese of Aversa issued Mottola with a Decree of Immediate Suspension and initiated a formal procedure submitting the priest to a canonical judicial process. He also reported the abuse to the Public Prosecutor of the Commissariat of Aversa.”My daughter was smarter than him, she was good, eh? She was very good and I’m proud of my daughter,” Marina’s mother told Palmieri, the reporter from Le Iene, a television program on the Italian channel Italia 1.

Police then arrested the priest on the order of the Court of Naples, where he remains in prison to this day. Church Militant reported on a similar case last year involving Fr. Robert DeLand, arrested and convicted on the strength of audio recordings that captured his grooming of a 17-year-old teen boy. Like Mottola, DeLand denied the abuse, blaming the victim for making up stories about the attempted abuse.

DeLand went so far as to perjure himself on the stand during the trial, claiming he had never offered the boy cigarettes or alcohol when the audio evidence proved otherwise. It also showed his attempts to get the boy high on drugs before he sexually assaulted him. As a result of the incriminating audio recordings, DeLand was sentenced to 2–16 years in prison. He is currently serving his time in a Michigan prison.

Michael Voris Books

Michael Voris Career

Voris attended the University of Notre Dame and graduated in 1983 with a degree in communications with a focus on history and politics. He also attended two years of seminary training at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York during the 1980s. Between 1983 and 1986 he was a television anchor, producer, and reporter for various CBS affiliates in New York, Albany, Duluth and Cheyenne, Wyoming. In 1989 he became a news reporter and producer for a Fox affiliate in Detroit, where he won four Emmy Awards for production between 1992 and 1996.

In 1997 he began operation of an independent television production company called Concept Communications, LLC. This company was registered by co-owners Gary Michael Voris and John Fitzpatrick Mola with the State of Michigan on July 8, 1997. Shortly thereafter on July 23, 1997, Voris and Mola registered a video with the US Copyright Office titled “Double Trouble”.

Michael Voris Pope Francis

In August of 2018, Michael Voris released his “Church Militant Statement on the Pope”. In it, he demanded the resignation of Pope Francis, for heresy and for promoting pederasty. He also claimed that Pope Francis is “in a state of sin” and will spend all eternity in Hell if he does not repent. And he stated that the Pope has chosen to surround himself with men who lack supernatural faith.

The same Statement accused Pope Francis of a “hypocritical and shameless parade of empty words of sorrow and pleading for forgiveness” which was said to “lack all sincerity” regarding the abuse crisis. Mr. Voris then summarized his assessment of Pope Francis and his Pontificate by saying: “Your actions and omissions have left you unable to reign over the Church in any meaningful way. You have no credibility, no moral authority, not a shred of decency left after having covered up one scandal after another….”

In February of 2019, Michael Voris released a video titled, “Pope Francis Guilty of Cover-Up,” subtitled, “And his pontificate needs to end.” In it, Voris states the following: “The men around the Pope are cover-up artists who staged a phony summit to protect any more information about McCarrick coming public…. even the Pope himself has covered up these sins and crimes.

This papacy is going down in flames, and it’s happening fast. Whether he resigns or not, the cause of this massive collapse is the homosexuality accepted and protected by Francis and his cronies and massive culture of cover-up that almost every cardinal around him participates in….”

Michael Voris Geocentrism

On January 8, 2014, Voris became involved in the controversy surrounding the film The Principle when he invited its producers onto his show to discuss their project, a defense of geocentrism.

Michael Voris Honors

Royal House of Portugal: Knight of the Order of Saint Michael of the Wing (2011).

Michael Voris Youtube Vortex
