Publish date: 2024-05-19

Rapper ODB’s manager yesterday disputed his widow’s claims that he fathered only three children – insisting the philandering pop star was paying child support for at least seven.

Russell Jones, a k a Ol’ Dirty Bastard, has at least four more children with four other women – and he signed their birth certificates to prove it, his agent Jarred Weisfeld, 25, said at ODB’s mother’s Park Slope home yesterday.

“I have seen the birth certificates of the four children in addition to the other three and they are all signed by Russell Jones personally,” Weisfeld said.

“There is no question that those children are his.”

The fatherhood firestorm sparked after the hip-hop superstar died Saturday while working in a Manhattan studio. While his death remains a mystery, so do the number of children entitled to his estate. ODB’s wife of 13 years, Icelene Jones, insisted Sunday the rapper fathered her three children and only her three children, dismissing rumors that the hip-hopster may have fathered some 13 offspring.

But yesterday one woman, who said she was the mother of another of ODB’s children, visited the dead man’s mother, Cherry Jones.

Belinda Bush, 31, mom to 7-year-old Prince Osiris, said she was too upset to speak about a battle for ODB’s estate.

“I’m not even thinking about that right now,” said Bush, who dated ODB for eight years, from 1992 to 2001.

The rapper’s manager also listed children Ason, 10, Allah Hassan, 9, and Oshana, 6.

Weisfeld said the rapper – who rose to hip-hop heights with the Wu-Tang Clan – made provisions for all the kids when he did a stint in prison three years ago.

“I sat down in jail with him and his mom, and one of his main concerns was his mother and all seven of his children. He wanted to make sure if anything happened to him they would be taken care of through his estate. All seven of his children will be provided for in equal measure,” said Weisfeld.

“Each and every child has received money and each and every child will continue to see money as long as Cherry and myself are alive, it’s what Dirt wanted.”

ODB’s wife said “there is really nothing I can say” about the revelations.

His sister, Renee Jones, said her brother had always been a womanizer and Icelene was likely trying to trying to exclude the other children.

She added ODB’s mother was furious about it.

“She said, ‘I know my son is turning over in his grave knowing that girl is trying to exclude those kids,’ ” said Renee.

A public viewing for the rapper will be held tomorrow from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. James Presbyterian Church, 141st Street and St. Nicholas Street in Harlem.

His funeral will be held for family and friends at 4 p.m. at the Christian Cultural Center at 120-20 Flatlands Ave., Brooklyn.

He will be buried on Friday.

Additional reporting by Ikimulisa Livingston
