Why does my fern have brown spots?

Publish date: 2024-05-19

If you see small brown dots on the undersides of the leaves, they’re probably sori, which are groups of sporangia that serve as spore cases. These spots may cover the entire underside of the leaf, but they aren’t harmful to your plant. Once the female organs are fertilized by the male, small fern plants will grow.Click to see full answer. Furthermore, why does my birds nest fern have brown spots? Bird Nest Fern Problems Why are there are dark brown spots on the fronds / leaves? In most cases these spots are actually spores, which are basically seeds. It’s perfectly normal and indicates you’ve a mature and healthy plant, just leave them as they are.One may also ask, why does my fern looks burnt? Poor Growing Conditions If your fern is in a spot that receives full sun or is exposed to intense afternoon sun in the summer, the fronds can become sun-scorched. The leaves also brown and wither if the soil is not kept moist. Correspondingly, why did my fern turn brown? Without adequate humidity, the fronds turn brown and dry. Once this happens, clip out the damaged fronds – they won’t recover – and keep the air around the fern as moist as possible. You may also see brown, dry fronds when ferns don’t get the right amount of light or when you don’t water or fertilize properly.How often should I water a birds nest fern? Birds Nest Fern Plant Care: Water Requirements Asplenium nidus prefer evenly moist surroundings. Watering the soil often during growth and housing the plant in a moderately humid area will help to maintain a healthy environment during care for Bird’s Nest Fern. Never allow the soil to become dry to the touch.
