Fox News Meteorologist Janice Dean Feels Terrible Amid MS Battle

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Janice Dean smiled through the pain in a photo taken at work. She shared it to spread awareness of her ongoing battle with multiple sclerosis (MS).

The Fox News weatherwoman is using her own experience with the debilitating disease to help others not feel so alone and to understand the daily struggles of people like her.

She took to Twitter early morning on Thursday to share a touching post. She began with a question: "Looking at this picture would you suspect I'm having an #MultipleSclerosis #flareup?"

The picture showed a bright-eyed Dean, 49, on set at the Fox News station. She wore red for the day and had her blonde hair out in prim loose curls. Pink lipstick framed a close-lipped smile.

She continued her caption:

"That’s the hardest part of this disease. I feel terrible and am in pain but you’d never know it. Today is one of those days I put on a brave face and will get through this moment by moment."

The comment section filled up with words of prayer, support, and love for the longtime meteorologist. Cam Edwards called Dean a "warrior and an inspiration."

Dean responded to some of the comments. Lauren Peikoff, who allegedly worked at Fox News in the past, said "I love you, Janice. You are absolutely incredible and your strength amazes me, always. <3."

After several comments, she addressed them in full saying at first that she is speechless. She went on to say she "felt knocked down today and you all helped to lift me back up."

She closed by encouraging others to continue the fight, and to keep on smiling and "looking for that sunshine after the storm." The post was particularly helpful for those battling the disease as well.

Leonard Lee Sharbono shared the story of his daughter who was diagnosed just over a month ago. She's only 17 and is already going through the pains of MS.

Leonard appreciated that he was able to share Dean's message with his daughter. Others also shared stories of themselves or family members who are quietly facing the pain of MS head-on.

In an interview with Inside Edition, Dean shared the bleak outlook she had when she was diagnosed 15 years ago. "All I could see was a wheelchair," she told the reporter.

Over time, she saw that she could overcome the disease and continue pursuing her career while enduring MS. She was also encouraged by actress Selma Blair, who recently revealed that she also suffers from the disease.

Dean said she reached out to Blair online simply to say to her, "I'm here. We're here. We are MS warriors, she's a warrior princess." The meteorologist is grateful for the awareness that Blair brings to MS.

Sometimes, even those in one's own home have no idea what their family is facing. Dean's memoir, "Mostly Sunny," talks about the day she told her sons that she had MS.

Her boys' teacher also had MS, and it inspired Dean to tell them that she had the same thing. They already knew she was taking injections for her health, and full transparency made the family "stronger."

For Blair, she opened up on a much larger platform back in October 2018. The 46-year-old posted a lengthy Instagram post speaking about her new Netflix show and how the crew helps her manage it.

She said she's probably had the "incurable disease for 15 years at least," and thanked Eliz Berkley for forcing her to see a doctor to "at least know." Several fans shared words of comfort and support.
