What happened to Mario Bonilla? Florida crash involving stolen Maserati leaves one dead and two inju

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Authorities reported that a 15-year-old Florida boy lost his life early on Sunday after he and two of his teenage friends stole a silver unlocked Maserati and took it for a high-speed road trip. They allegedly collided with a business sign and flipped over the vehicle on Sunday morning, October 2, 2022.

Based on sources, the boy who lost his life in the violent crash in St. Petersburg, Florida, was identified as Mario Bonilla. Additionally, the two victims who were severely hurt in the accident were Keondrick Lang, 15, and Malachi Daniels, 16.

A deeper look at stolen 2016 Maserati crash that allegedly had its key inside in Florida

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri revealed in a press conference that the incident occurred at around 3:30 am on Sunday. The Florida teenagers were exploring the neighborhood and looking at door handles to see if they could get into any of the nearby parked cars. Soon, they found a 2016 silver unfastened Maserati.

Shortly after, Lang allegedly opened the door of the car with his t-shirt to prevent leaving fingerprints on the doorknob. Later, when they realized that the keys to the car were already inside it, the teenagers hopped in. Reportedly, Lang was in the driver's seat, while Bonilla was in the front passenger seat and Daniells was seated at the back.

According to Gualtieri, the automobile was traveling at a fast pace without its headlights switched on when the driver lost control, leaped a curb, and crashed, tipping over the silver Maserati.

Reportedly, Malachi Daniels was hospitalized in severe condition and is currently fighting for his life. Mario Bonilla, on the other hand, passed away at the site itself. However, Keondrick Lang, the driver who was also in severe condition, is expected to survive.

Gualtieri said:

"Once the deputies disengaged, they didn’t slow down. They just kept going at a high rate of speed.”

He continued:

“This is what happens when you’re an inexperienced driver at 3:30 in the morning driving 80 miles an hour and you lose it. And unfortunately one has lost his life, the other one looks like is going to lose his life and the other has some pretty serious injuries.”

Based on sources, while responding to another incident in the vicinity, deputies in a helicopter saw the stolen automobile; when officials on the ground attempted to arrest the adolescents, however, they fled the scene.

According to the sheriff, deputies adhered to department rules by not pursuing them in their vehicles. Gualtieri claimed that the chopper maintained an eye on the accelerating vehicle.

According to the families of the Florida teenagers, they learned that their kids left home in the middle of the night while they believed that they were all asleep. The parents of the kids were saddened to hear about the terrible incident.

Reportedly, the kids did not have a significant criminal past, and one of the parents had recently transferred their boy to a new school in an effort to deter his involvement in illegal activities.

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