Who is Patrick Reeds daughter Windsor Wells Reed? Age, birthday, mom, school

Publish date: 2024-05-20
044FAEA1 648C 42B0 A4D3 D91CCB162CDDAmerican professional golfer Patrick Reed has competed in a few international tournaments.

He has won on the PGA Tour numerous times, and he has also won the World Golf Championship twice.

In this particular article, we will explore more about his daughter.

Who is Patrick Reed’s daughter Windsor Wells Reed? Age, birthday, mom, school

Patrick Reed’s daughty is currently seven years old.

She was born on May 23, 2014, and her name is Windsor Wells Reed.

Patrick and his significant other adore their daughter to the hilt.

Windsor can be regarded as the most successful child of her parents.

Review should be done in Windsor’s elementary school.

Continue reading to discover more.

Patrick has spoken to the USA in Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup group matches, where his remarks earned him the moniker “Captian America.”
