How much is Mario Draghi worth? Salary, earnings and net worth explored

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Mario Draghi has resigned as Italian Prime minister a few hours ago according to news reaching us. After months of tensions over the government’s economic policies, Giuseppe Conte, leader of the Five Star Movement (M5S), withdrew his support for the government on July 13, 2022.

The decision was based on the so-called aids decree, which was issued to provide economic stimulus in response to the ongoing economic and energy crisis.

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How much does Mario Draghi make a year?

Mario Draghi, the son of Carlo Draghi and Gilda Mancini, was born in Rome in 1947. He attended the Jesuit Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome.

Draghi earned an honors degree in economics from Rome’s Sapienza University in 1970. In 1976, Draghi received his Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Checks from our reliable sources indicate that the former Prime Minister earns $114,230.00. It is not too clear whether this was from his earnings as a PM but we will continue to dig and update our audience with the full information.

What is Mario Draghi net worth?

Draghi’s total net worth currently stands at a whopping $10 million.

Is Mario Draghi rich?

He is certainly rich. He comes from a very powerful and rich family. As an individual, he has also done well for himself.

Forbes as of 2018 ranked him as the number 18 most powerful man in the whole wide world. No one gets there by being poor.
