Is Noel Fielding vegan? Everything you need to know about the GBBO host!

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Noel Fielding, the comedian and presenter known for his role as co-host on “The Great British Bake Off” since the show’s transition to Channel 4 in 2017, has captured the hearts of fans with his unique style and humor. However, many viewers are curious about Noel’s dietary choices, particularly whether he follows a vegan lifestyle. In this article, we explore Noel Fielding’s dietary preferences and his connection to the show’s Vegan Week challenge.


Noel Fielding and Vegan Week

Contrary to being a vegan himself, Noel Fielding was the driving force behind the introduction of Vegan Week on “The Great British Bake Off.” This innovative challenge was unveiled in 2018 and aimed to cater to a younger audience, often humorously referred to as “millennial ‘snowflakes.'” According to a representative for Channel 4 at the time, Noel’s idea was embraced enthusiastically by the show’s producers as they sought to diversify their viewership.

The introduction of Vegan Week showcased the show’s commitment to trying something new while maintaining its loyal fanbase. The decision reflected a strategic move to engage a different demographic of viewers.


Noel Fielding’s Relationship with Cake

Despite being associated with a baking show, Noel Fielding has raised eyebrows with his stance on cake and sugar consumption. In a surprising revelation back in 2017, he disclosed in an interview that he tends to avoid sugar, describing it as a “very powerful thing.”

In his own words, Noel shared, “I get more work when I’m thinner, so I can’t put on weight. It’s not that I don’t like cake — I have a very sweet tooth.”


While Noel Fielding has played a significant role in promoting the Vegan Week challenge on “The Great British Bake Off,” he himself is not a vegan. His decision to introduce Vegan Week was motivated by a desire to attract a younger audience to the show. Despite his association with a baking-themed program, Noel’s personal dietary choices lean away from sugar due to professional considerations. However, his quirky charm and creative contributions continue to make him a beloved figure on the show, captivating viewers with his unique style and humor.”
