Lucy Hale Goes Horseback Riding for 26th Birthday: Party Pics

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Pretty little horseback rider! Lucy Hale has made a vow to be more adventurous this year, and the actress made good on her promise on Saturday, June 13, when she celebrated her 26th birthday by going horseback riding in Malibu.

"I went horseback riding for the first time since I was 4" the Pretty Little Liars actress told Us Weekly on Sunday at the 7th Annual Children Mending Hearts Empathy Rocks Fundraiser, where she presented an award to her PLL costar Shay Mitchell. "Yesterday was my celebration day."

Documenting the festivities with the Instagram hashtag #lucygooseybdayweekend, Hale's friends first surprised her by decking out her pad with a "beautiful birthday mess" of balloons, streamers, banners, and other party decor before heading out to the ranch to horseback ride.

"How lucky am I to have this much good in my life?! And congrats to all these suckas for surprising me,” Hale said Monday when Instagramming a post from her post-ride birthday dinner. "That's never happened. My heart is officially at maximum full."

As Hale told Us at the Children Mending Hearts event, her 26th birthday was a perfect, low-key one. "I feel like I did an intense workout," the actress said after horseback riding. "I've got amazing friends. Usually I do a big deal, but not this year. I'm realizing how old I am!"

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That's not to say that Hale has tempered her tenacity as she gets older. "My whole thing is [making an effort] to be more adventurous. I'm doing things I wouldn't normally do," said Hale, who recently went skydiving in an effort to step out of her comfort zone. "It was horrifying, but still one of the coolest things I'll ever do,” Hale told Us. "I got the video. I say the 'F' word maybe 500 times, so I couldn't post anything [on social media], but it was very liberating."
