Pokemon Go Fest 2023 Special Research Quest for Diancie and Carbink Encounters

Publish date: 2024-05-21

This year’s Go Fest event takes place in the vibrant cities of Osaka, London, and New York City offering players an incredible opportunity to explore new challenges and adventures in the augmented reality world of Pokemon. The Go Fest 2023 in Osaka and London is underway, and participants can now complete the Go Fest 2023 Special Research to encounter Carbink and Diancie.

Pokemon Go Fest is an annual celebration organized by Niantic, the creators of the popular mobile game, Pokemon Go. It is a grand gathering of trainers from all corners of the globe, coming together to participate in special activities, exclusive research tasks, and unique Pokemon encounters. The event offers a sense of community and fellowship as players unite in their love for Pokemon and AR gaming.

The Pokemon Go Fest 2023 Special Research consists of 5 steps, each awarding more rewards and encounters. Completing step 3 will award players Carbink, while Diancie is the encounter after completing the next step, step 4.

Upon completing step 1, trainers will proceed to step 2, which involves a series of challenging tasks that test their skills and knowledge of the game. Successful completion of this step leads to a remarkable encounter with the elusive Pokemon, Carbink. This delightful creature is sure to bring joy to any trainer lucky enough to find it.

Moving forward, participants will delve into step 3 of the Special Research. This phase is equally captivating, offering players an opportunity to encounter the legendary Pokemon, Diancie. Diancie is a powerful and majestic Pokemon, and catching it will be an extraordinary accomplishment for any dedicated trainer. Plus, you are going to love the encounter animation.

Throughout the Special Research journey, trainers can expect to receive many rewards that will enrich their Pokemon Go experience. These rewards include Diancie Candy XL and Diancie Mega Energy, which will aid in powering up, and Mega Evolving Diancie, making it an even more formidable force in battles. Additionally, trainers will receive essential items such as Razz Berries, Pinap Berries, and much more, to aid in capturing and enhancing their Pokemon collection.

Pokemon Go Fest 2023 Special Research

Go Fest 2023 Special Research Step 1 Tasks and Rewards

Go Fest 2023 Special Research Step 2 Tasks and Rewards

Go Fest 2023 Special Research Step 3 Tasks and Rewards

Go Fest 2023 Special Research Step 4 Tasks and Rewards

Go Fest 2023 Special Research Step 5 Tasks and Rewards

NOTE: To Mega Evolve Diancie you will need 300 Mega Energy.

The Pokemon Go Fest 2023 in Osaka and London runs from August 4, until August 6, 2023.
