Why Meghan Markle's Relationship With Her Mom, Doria Ragland, Is Not What It Seems

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Anyone who keeps up with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry surely are familiar with Meghan’s mom, Doria Ragland. The Los Angeles native was present for the royal wedding in May 2018, beaming and waving to the crowds as she rode to St. George’s Chapel alongside her soon-to-be royal daughter.

Ragland has been spotted in England several times since Meghan and Prince Harry were married, and the couple speaks of her glowingly. Over the past few months, we have even heard several rumors about Doria.

First that she was going to move to England to be closer to her daughter, son-in-law, and her new grandson. Then, rumors circulated that Meghan and Prince Harry were going to move to California to be closer to her.

It has even been said that Ragland gets along wonderfully with the rest of the family, especially Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. And, given that she has been invited to spend Christmas with the royals in the past, we can only imagine that she hit it off with Queen Elizabeth as well.

However, there has been recent speculation that Meghan and Ragland are not as close as everyone thinks. Here is why Meghan’s relationship with her mom is not what it seems.

Who is Doria Ragland?

Ragland is a former social worker and yoga instructor from the View Park-Windsor Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles. According to Town & Country, Meghan is her only child, and after divorcing Thomas Markle many years ago, Ragland continued to raise Meghan.

Ragland spent many years working as a clinical therapist, and it is even said that she shares her daughter’s passion for physical exercise. She is also known to be a “free spirit,” with Meghan even going so far as to describe her as being “hippie-dippie.”

Another thing that we know is Ragland was ecstatic when Baby Archie was born, as he was her first grandson. She flew to England to be with Meghan when she gave birth and even appeared alongside the new parents and the queen in Archie’s first official photographs. 

Doria Ragland appears to have been involved in Meghan Markle’s life

From what we have seen, Ragland has always been around for the most important events that have happened in Meghan’s life. According to Express, Meghan and Prince Harry usually turn to her when they need advice about something, and she is even said to have played a huge role in the couple’s decision to step back as senior royals.

Ragland was present at Meghan’s first solo event as a royal, which was a party celebrating her charity cookbook. Since then, it has been reported that she flies to England quite often to spend time with her daughter.

According to Vanity Fair, that’s not all, as Meghan and Prince Harry have supposedly made several trips to California to visit Ragland.

Why Meghan Markle’s relationship with her mom, Doria Ragland, is not what it seems

Although it is easy to assume that Meghan and Ragland are the best of friends, Us Weekly reports that this is not the case. Why not? Well, it seems that they don’t really see each other as often as most people were assuming that they did.

“She’s not very close with her mom,” one source told Us.

The source adds: “Doria would only see Meghan once or twice a year while filming Suits in Toronto. Meghan isn’t as close to her mom as is known.”

Apparently, Ragland won’t be relocating to live closer to Meghan and Prince Harry, despite what previous reports have said. She has created a life for herself in Los Angeles, and that is where she plans to stay.

It very well may be true that Meghan and Ragland get along just fine, they are just not as close as so many royal fans had thought. Both women have very busy lives, and time and distance are just not on their side right now.
