How do you kill Hexproof indestructible?

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Killing a Hexproof indestructible creature is no easy task. However, there are several ways you can still deal with these resilient creatures:

1. Devour Flesh:

Devour Flesh is a card that forces your opponent to sacrifice a creature. Since Hexproof creatures cannot be targeted, sacrificing them is a way to get rid of them.

2. Board wipes:

Using board wipe spells like Mutilate or Black Sun’s Zenith can put -1/-1 counters on all creatures, effectively reducing their toughness to 0 and getting rid of Hexproof indestructible creatures.

3. Exiling:

In addition to destroying creatures, you can also exile them. Cards like Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares can exile Hexproof indestructible creatures, bypassing their resilience.

4. Forced sacrifices:

Forcing your opponent to sacrifice their creatures is another way to deal with Hexproof indestructible creatures. Cards like Chainer’s Edict or Geth’s Verdict can make your opponent sacrifice their only creature, even if it has Hexproof.

5. Countering:

If you have a counterspell in hand, you can counter the spell that is attempting to give a creature Hexproof indestructible. This prevents the creature from gaining the abilities in the first place.

6. Enchanting:

Enchantments that don’t target can still affect Hexproof indestructible creatures. Cards like Glaring Spotlight or Arcane Lighthouse can strip creatures of their Hexproof, making them vulnerable to destruction or other effects.

7. Discarding from hand:

If your opponent only has a Hexproof indestructible creature in their hand, you can use cards that force them to discard, like Thoughtseize or Duress, to get rid of the creature before they can cast it.

8. Sending to library:

Some cards, like Boomerang or Unsummon, can return creatures to their owner’s hand. This effectively gets rid of Hexproof indestructible creatures without destroying them.

9. Bouncing back to hand:

Similar to sending creatures to the library, bouncing them back to their owner’s hand is another way to deal with Hexproof indestructible creatures. Cards like Cyclonic Rift or Vapor Snag can return creatures to their owner’s hand, removing them from play temporarily.

How do you kill an indestructible creature?

To kill an indestructible creature, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Exile It: If you can’t destroy it, remove it from the game entirely.
  • Reduce Its Toughness to 0: Reduce the creature’s toughness to 0 so it will die due to having 0 or less toughness.
  • Make Your Opponent Sacrifice It: Force your opponent to sacrifice the indestructible creature, getting rid of it that way.
  • Counter It: Use a counter spell to counter the creature spell, preventing it from entering the battlefield.
  • Enchant It: Use an enchantment spell or ability to attach an enchantment to the creature that will cause its destruction.
  • Discard It from Your Opponent’s Hand: Force your opponent to discard the indestructible creature from their hand, preventing it from entering the battlefield.
  • Send It to Your Opponent’s Library: Return the indestructible creature to your opponent’s library.
  • Bounce It Back to Your Opponent’s Hand: Return the indestructible creature to your opponent’s hand.
  • What can destroy Hexproof?

    Anything that doesn’t target can destroy Hexproof creatures. Here are some examples:

    How do you kill a Hexproof creature in MTG?

    To kill a Hexproof creature in MTG, you can use the following methods:

    Can you counter Hexproof?

    Yes, you can counter a Hexproof creature. A creature spell on the stack counts as
