Who are Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker, victims of alleged police brutality in Mississippi?

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker blame representatives for attack, torment, and a shooting during a warrantless home intrusion
Every one of the six representatives included have been terminated or surrendered, prompting examinations and calls for criminal prosecutions
The case reveals insight into an example of unnecessary power, racial separation, and a government social liberties claim looking for $400 million in penalties

The instance of Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker has acquired huge consideration because of their claims of police severity and unfortunate behavior against the Rankin Area Sheriff’s Specialization in Mississippi. The occurrence, which happened on January 24, involved a home intrusion by delegates without a warrant, prompting cases of attack, torment, and eventually a shooting.

As per Jenkins and Parker, representatives effectively entered the home situated in Rankin Area, only east of Jackson, and continued to beat and attack them.

They depicted a frightening hour and a half difficulty during which they were exposed to physical savagery, including the utilization of a sex toy as a weapon, rehashed shocks from Tasers, and being compelled to lie on their backs while milk was poured over their countenances. The horrendous experience left the two men seriously harmed and genuinely scarred.

Jenkins, 32, experienced serious wounds to his face, including a slashed tongue and a messed up jaw, after one of the representatives supposedly pushed a firearm into his mouth and terminated. He was hospitalized for quite a long time subsequently. Parker, who was in his room at the hour of the episode, was requested to the floor by representatives after opening his entryway.

The case accumulated consideration on account of the supposed ruthlessness as well as because of the resulting moves made by policing. The Equity Division started a social liberties examination concerning the Rankin Region Sheriff’s Specialization, while Rankin District Sheriff Bryan Bailey required a state examination.

In a new declaration, Sheriff Bailey uncovered that all delegates engaged with the episode had either been terminated or had surrendered. Nonetheless, he avoided uncovering the names of the ended appointees or giving subtleties on the specific number of policemen who were excused. He recognized the disintegration of public trust and promised to work perseveringly to reestablish it.

Michael C. Jenkins was shot in the mouth by Mississippi officers who allegedly handcuffed and waterboarded him & Eddie Terrell Parker over false allegations of “dating white women” and “selling drugs,” lawyers say

The FBI has opened an investigationhttps://t.co/WHerlxeWRK

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) February 18, 2023

Moreover, a Related Press examination revealed an upsetting example including a portion of the delegates embroiled in the occurrence. A few of them were connected to undoubtedly four other fierce experiences with People of color beginning around 2019, bringing about two fatalities and serious wounds. This disclosure raised worries about fundamental issues inside the Rankin Province Sheriff’s Area of expertise and the requirement for responsibility.

The terminating of the representatives is a critical stage toward equity, as indicated by Malik Shabazz, a lawyer addressing Jenkins and Parker. Shabazz recognized the activity yet in addition called for criminal arraignments of the agents by the state principal legal officer and the Equity Division. He stressed the requirement for correctional harms against the officials in question, refering to a long example of extreme power and disdain violations against African American residents in Rankin Region.

Jenkins and Parker have looked for equity through true examinations as well as documented a government social liberties claim, looking for $400 million in punitive fees. Their lawful activity expects to consider the representatives responsible for their supposed unfortunate behavior and to reveal insight into the bigger issue of police ruthlessness and racial separation.

As the examination concerning the Rankin District Sheriff’s Specialization proceeds, the local area anticipates further updates and expectations that this case will act as an impetus for significant change. The voices of casualties like Jenkins and Parker, alongside the endeavors of social equality advocates, are fundamental in requesting responsibility and advancing the fair treatment of all people in experiences with policing.
